首頁> 新聞資訊> 活動創(chuàng)意資訊> 數(shù)字藝術裝置“枯萎”藝術品記錄著森林砍伐的速度是如何加快的


隨著世界的放緩,這幅藝術品展示了森林砍伐的速度是如何加快的。這片數(shù)字雨林消失在你眼前,你現(xiàn)在正在看森林砍伐的速度。我們在孤立的森林砍伐正在完全加速。由于沒有人看到亞馬遜森林砍伐,這幾天的增長率令人困惑,達到71%。荷蘭藝術家蒂JS Biersteker利用當前的森林砍伐數(shù)據(jù)控制一平方米的雨林,而雨林可以在眼前消失。幫助我們想象此刻,在沒有人可以觀察的地方,損失的規(guī)模是如此之大?!庇捎贑ovid-19,世界被迫放慢封鎖速度,ThijsBiersteker的威瑟爾(ThijsBiersteker)在巴西雨林中由于缺乏執(zhí)法而加速了森林砍伐的速度[1] 讓我們進入一個難以想象的古代雨林,每秒鐘都會消失[2] 荷蘭生態(tài)藝術家蒂JS Biersteker的數(shù)字藝術裝置“枯萎”帶來了這些抽象數(shù)據(jù),這些抽象數(shù)據(jù)對我們生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的恢復產(chǎn)生了巨大影響。受最新的森林砍伐數(shù)據(jù)控制,這片數(shù)字雨林的葉子在你眼前變得透明。每秒鐘十片葉子就消失。每一片葉子的閃爍都標志著250平方米的雨林被砍伐。這項工作是一座活紀念碑,紀念珍貴雨林的消失,發(fā)生在亞馬遜遙遠的地方有趣的是,當我們夢想、交談、視頻通話和發(fā)布一個新的后Covid-19世界時,一個舊系統(tǒng)正在比以往任何時候都更加猛烈地摧毀我們的未來。這件藝術品將毀林事實轉(zhuǎn)化為你能感覺到的東西。希望這會激發(fā)人們在內(nèi)心的時間,去思考他們想回到外面的世界。我經(jīng)常想知道,當我們被允許回到這個世界時,我們會發(fā)現(xiàn)什么,我們會失去什么ThijsBiersteker說威瑟'是使用一組自適應的毀林數(shù)據(jù)構(gòu)建的。當應用電流時,數(shù)字葉子變?yōu)橥该?,使每個葉子可見或不可見。在數(shù)據(jù)控制下,每一次樹葉閃爍,都標志著250平方米的雨林被砍伐。該作品適合不同森林砍伐觀察組提供的當前數(shù)據(jù)。這項工作最初計劃啟動后Covid-19。然而,由于Covid-19導致的森林砍伐的加速,藝術家、他的團隊來自Woven Studio和時尚品牌日報的專員決定立即啟動這項工作,以圍繞這個主題創(chuàng)建意識。下一代的合作。由于他們對社會影響和意識的需要,日報和藝術家蒂JS Biersteker為巴黎時裝周及其他地方創(chuàng)造了“枯萎”。展示一個新世界,我們探索新的方法,創(chuàng)造我們所有人共同存在、自然、人性和技術的未來。

As the world is slowing down - this artwork shows how deforestation is speeding up. This slice of digital rainforest disappears in front of your eyes on the rate of deforestation happening right now. While we are in isolation deforestation is in full acceleration. With no-one to watch the Amazon deforestation is picking up with a baffling 71% these days. Dutch artist Thijs Biersteker uses the current deforestation data to control one square meter of rainforest that can disappear right in front of your eyes. Helping us to imagine the sheer scale of loss happening at this moment, in places where no one is there to watch. ‘Wither’ by Thijs Biersteker As the world is forced to slow down in lockdowns due to Covid-19, there is a 71% acceleration of deforestation happening in the Brazilian rainforests through the lack of enforcement as result of the pandemic. [1] Bringing us onto a hard to imagine 2.560 m2 of ancient rainforest that is lost each second. [2] The digital art installation ‘Wither’ by dutch eco-artist Thijs Biersteker brings alive these abstract data that has a big impact on the recovery of our ecosystem. Controlled by the latest deforestation data, the leaves of this digital slice of rainforest turn transparent in front of your eyes. Each second ten leaves disappear. Every flickering of a leaf marks the loss of 250m2 of rainforest. Making the work a living monument to the loss of precious rainforest happening at this very moment somewhere hidden far away in the Amazon. ‘It is interesting that while we dream, talk, videocall, and post about a new post-Covid-19 world, an old system is destroying our future more fiercefull than ever. This artwork turns deforestation facts into something you can feel. Hopefully it will provoke people to spend their time inside, to think about the world they want to go back to outside. I often wonder when we are allowed back into the world, what will we find, and what will we have lost? ’ - says Thijs biersteker. ‘Wither’ is build using an adaptive set of deforestation data. The digital leaves turn transparent when current is applied, turning every leaf visible or invisible. Controlled by the data every flickering of a leave marks the loss of 250m2 of rainforest. The artwork is adapted to the current data coming in by the different deforestation watch groups. The work was originally scheduled to launch post-Covid-19. However the recent acceleration of deforestation due to Covid-19 made the artist, his team from Woven Studio and the commissioner, fashion brand Daily Paper, decide to launch the work right now to create awareness around the topic. A collaboration for a next generation. Bound together by their need for social impact and awareness, Daily Paper and artist Thijs Biersteker created ‘Wither’ for the Paris Fashion week and beyond. Showing a new world where we explore new ways to create the future where we all co-exist, nature, humanity and technology.
